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Nagai Shinai
English Teaching Resources
English Teaching
English Games
One of the best resources you can use for teaching English is the following two links. These take you to websites where you can download (free) games designed for teaching English. They are extremely useful, and easy to integrate into almost any classroom setting.
Almost all of the schools in Nagai follow a curriculum based on the "New Horizon" English Course series of textbooks. It is not necessary for you to buy a book yourself, probably there will be old copies available when you come. However, if you want to familiarize yourself with the textbook ahead of time you can.
To the right, I've included the front page of three books in the series. The first one (top) is the 1st book in the middle-school series. The second one (middle) is the 5th book, meaning for 5th grade, in the elementary school series. The third one (bottom) is the 1st book in the lower-middle school series, with the most basic introductory materials.
Middle School
Lower Elementary
Picture Dictionaries
Almost every textbook comes with its own picture dictionary as well. These are extremely useful - they show images of objects, and their name in English (as well sometimes as Japanese). For example - you might see a page for food items, then a picture of a carrot with the caption "carrot" beneath it.
Some of the picture dictionaries are independent books. Some of them are just found in the index of the standard textbook.
Picture Dictionary
Example Lesson Plan
Here is attached an example of a lesson-plan guide, which was freely available online. It details how ideally a teacher should go about using the 6th grade textbook in the elementary school series. Maybe it will be useful for you! Or at least, give you some helpful ideas of how you could run your own class. Just click on the image to the right to initiate the download.
Lesson Plan Example - Click for Download!
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